Pic Restored fire engine
Captain Joe Woyjeck and Artesia City Council Member John P. Lyon surprised guests with their first view of the restored 1942 Ford Fire Engine, which is permanently on loan to AHS by the County of Los Angeles Fire Museum Association for display in the recently restored “Old Station #30 Fire Museum” on Corby Avenue and 187th Street in Artesia.
The evening was alive with witches, devils, knights and a chef as the Artesia Historical Society (AHS) hosted their annual fundraiser, Oct. 30th at the Albert O. Little Community Center in Artesia. About 100 guests arrived dressed in a wide array of costumes, many challenging their friends and neighbors to determine their identities.
Special guests included Artesia Mayor Tony Lima, Mayor Pro Tem Victor Manalo, Council Members John P. Lyon and Michele L. Diaz, City Manager Maria Dadian, City Attorney Kevin Ennis and Commissioners Karen Spears, Clayton Young, and Miguel Canales.
Representing Supervisor Don Knabe, 4th District, Los Angeles County was Field Deputy Erin Stibul of his Bellflower Field Office. Also present was Joe Woyjeck, representing the County of Los Angeles Fire Museum Association and Chief Jerry Heinzel County of Los Angeles Fire Station #30. Representing the Woman’s Club of Artesia-Cerritos was President Nancy Sousa. Also attending was Executive Director Sug Kitahara of the Artesia Chamber of Commerce.
The room was decorated in a fall and Halloween theme, which helped to create a celebratory mood. The evening began with complimentary beverages and a wide selection of hors d’oeuvres while guests enjoyed music from Fran Newman at the Piano. An opportunity drawing got underway with people obtaining opportunity tickets and selecting the items they were interested in winning. Guests were also able to take advantage of early holiday shopping at the traditional gift boutique and return to their era of “trick or treating” by filling a bag with candy.
Artesia Historical Society President, Barbara Applebury welcomed guests to the seventh annual AHS Gala and expressed appreciation for the support of those in attendance. She recalled how the group and the event have evolved from the first two years held in tents, which were very labor intensive, to the more recent held in the Community Center. Appreciation was expressed for the loan of the unveiled historic fire engine, which will greatly compliment the “Old Station #30 Fire Museum.” She recapped the history of Artesia’ firefighters, which started in 1918.
Jenny Kubinski, the event chairperson then took the podium, also expressing her appreciation for the support of those in attendance. She stressed that the Artesia Historical Society has a strong history of perseverance from the time it was organized by its founder, June Larson until today. When the group was offered The Frampton/ Dantema House for use as a museum, three strong community women, Veronica Bloomfield, Barbara Applebury and Diane Young picked up the mantel and presented the opportunity to the Artesia City Council. Through their efforts, The Artesia Historical Society and the City of Artesia became partners in the creation of “The Artesia Historical Museum,” which opened in 2004. The Artesia City Council continued their support with the purchase of the former Chamber of Commerce building at Corby Avenue and 187th Street. They directed that the building be restored to its original state as a Fire Station.
John P. Lyon was recognized for his dedication as project leader for the recent restoration of “Old Station #30 Fire Museum” which will be incorporated into the city’s Historical District campus and become part of AHS’ school tour outreach program.
In conjunction with the new fire museum, special recognition was given to AHS member Fred Earl, a retired Los Angeles County Fire Fighter, for his donation of a portion of his fire fighting related toy collection, accumulated over the past 60 years. Fred and several members of his family were present. His daughter, Lou Ann Zulawski, made a special presentation to AHS of framed photos of Fred, his late wife Mary Lou, Lou Ann and her brother Steve taken through the years. The photos and a plaque will be displayed with the toy collection. Also on display was Fred’s “turnout uniform” which is on display at the County of Los Angeles Fire Museum. Fred was given a standing ovation, expressing the group’s appreciation for his support.
Dr. Edward Bloomfield with assistance from Sarah Kubinski, Lucas Young and Steven Shelton conducted the Opportunity Drawing of about 25 donated gifts including dinner gift cards, theatre tickets, collectibles, a hotel stay and other venue admissions. Jenny Kubinski acted as auctioneer for several special live auction items.
The Artesia Historical Society welcomes anyone with an interest in local history to membership in its organization. Contact Barbara Applebury at (562) 865-3107.
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