Fedde and Tetzlaff students aboard the Midway Aircraft Carrier gather in front of a plane in the ship’s hanger.
PIC Hanger
Editor’s Note: Many thanks to Assistant Tetzlaff Principal Tom Woodward for providing information and pictures of the overnight visit aboard the USS Midway Aircraft Carrier permanently docked in San Diego. He was one of 17 chaperons who accompanied Tezlaff and Fedde Middle School students to the Carrier as guests of the Naval Academy under its Blue and Gold STEP Program.
Students at Fedde Middle School and Tetzlaff Middle School participated in the United States Naval Academy Blue and Gold STEP [Science Technology, Engineering and Math] Program Oct. 15-16 with an overnight trip to San Diego where they experienced life as junior shipmates aboard the USS Midway.
The students participated in the “Live It and Learn It Program” which encompasses activities in science, technology, engineering and math. The students left their schools Friday afternoon, Oct 15 and included 47 Fedde students with 11 chaperons, and 29 Tetzlaff students accompanied by six chaperons. The Naval Academy assumed all costs for the program including transportation.
The USS Midway is a retired aircraft carrier on permanent display as a museum in San Diego harbor. Students from both schools had an opportunity to explore the history of the ship and STEM (Science, Technology, Engendering and Math) programs. The overnight accommodations Friday were the same bunks that navy sailors used for years. Students lived an exciting, navy experience with navy chow, bunks, and regimented lifestyle for the one night.
On Saturday morning students woke up to reveille being announced at 0600. More science activities followed with a lecture on Newton's Laws and how they applied to an aircraft carrier followed by more navy chow for breakfast.
The highlight of the trip took place at the Naval Air Station on North Island. There they got to see two Sea Hawk helicopter squadrons up close and personal. The navy personnel did a great job answering all the students’ questions.
For many of these middle school students last weekend was the experience of a lifetime.
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