Cerritos Optimist Club President Jamie Hamilton presents guest speaker Los Cerritos Community News Publisher Brian Hews with Optimist cup at its Oct. 14 breakfast meeting. Hews discussed Your City Coupons a subsidiary of LCCN. He described the company as a win-win for the advertisers, local charities, and LCCN. Companies create an great offer-50% off- and put in dollar terms; $40 of food for $20, etc. Your City designs the coupons, edits a description of the company and uploads the coupon onto Your City Coupons.net website. Subscribers to Your City, and new registrants, are alerted to the deal and buy the coupon online. The advertiser receives 50% of the revenue from the coupon ($10), and LCCN gets 50%. LCCN will then donate 10% to the subscribers favorite charity that they designate on the site. The program is free to everyone, Your City only makes money when the advertiser makes money. The Optimists meet the first, second and fourth Thursday’s at 7 a.m. and the third Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Off Street Café across from Gahr High School.
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