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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Candidate Bruce Barrows

Dear residents,
At the last forum, hosted by American Association of University Women (La Palma and Cerritos). Our current Council was accused of being out of touch with our residents due to the fact that we have reached an impasse with our employees Union. For several reasons I feel that this accusation is misplaced. First, I believe my responsibility is to our residents as set forth in our charter. Second, also according to our charter, the City Manager is the employee of the Council who represents us in administration of all the employees, except those under the City Clerk.
Normally, the employees union starts negotiating with our City Staff 3 or 4 months before we finalize a budget, as that allows us to reflect any potential financial impacts. This year, we were presented a list of demands after the budget. (please visit the City’s website and visit the July 8, 2010 Council meeting to listen and watch the demands as presented. Copies of those demands are available from our City Clerk.) After more than two dozen meet and confers between the union and the city representative (an Attorney retained by the City) we reached an impasse. To date, we haven’t been able to bring about a settlement.
While we, the Council, hold our employees in very high regard, we haven’t been able to meet the public demands by the union because they present several distinct problems. First, the Union, wants a seat at any table where management discussions are held and for them to have the ability to influence the outcome. This is a clear violation of our charter which holds the Council accountable to the residents and the City Manager accountable to the Council. The Union desires to have a say with no accountability.
Another problem, with the economic recession and difficulties with Sacramento’s deficits and their attempts to raid city funds is that our Union is seeking a pay increase. Ours sales taxes are down these last two years and the city, as I explained last week, has reduced spending by over 11% and cut a cumulative amount of almost $18 Million. We have also started out each year budgeting to draw from our reserves and haven’t done so, yet. There is simply no room to give a pay increase. Still, some Union members feel we should draw down our reserves to finance a pay increase. However, when asked, who is going to pay increased cost and pension costs once the reserves are gone, the union has no answer.
The union is supporting two candidates during this election, who have stated they strongly support the Union and are proud of their endorsement. At the Forum held by the Chamber, one candidate stated that he supports their management participation demands.
I have high respect for our employees, at all levels and in all departments. I also understand a union putting a large number of requests on the table and then working down to something reasonable. Only today, we don’t have the revenue to do the give and take that normally happens during the negotiations. Our residents expect the council to be prudent, which we have been. I promise to continue to fight to protect the city’s finances and maintai

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