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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Candidate Grace Hu

’ve had many seniors voice their concerns regarding the Water Aerobics Class. Not only were they concerned about the dramatic 80% fee increase but also the uncertainty of its existence after June 2011. There are certain things the city cannot cut back on: our seniors and our children. Our seniors have paid their dues and helped sculpt the city to how it is now. Yes, it’s good that an agreement was reached and the classes were going to continue through June 2011 but to increase almost double the initial fee isn’t doing our seniors justice. And also, it only continues through June 2011. So what about after? Must they attend the ABC School Board Meeting and protest again, only for the fee to increase another 80%? We must work together, city council and the school board, to explore every possible option to keep the class going and to cut the fees if possible.

Several concerned parents from the West side complained that their children could not attend ABCUSD and have to attend Bellflower School District. I felt awful at the fact that these hard working parents want the best for their children, they pay the same taxes as we do, generate city revenues but their children are unable to attend the best school system our city provides. I don’t believe that this is fair to the parents and more importantly, it’s not fair to the children. This issue needs to be addressed.

A lot of the residents have complained to me about TREES. Their issues: Pine leaves all over the streets, gutter, lawns, and driveways. Pine cones falling on vehicles parked on the street, hazardous to tires on vehicles when running them over, also tree saps on vehicles damaging paint and windows. We must do something about these trees. Some of these trees soared very high up, as if we were in the mountains. I love trees and what they do for our environment but everything has to be done within moderation. I would like to see what we can do to address this concern for our residents and re-evaluate the tree trimming schedule/process.

Concerns over the CCPA have been a big issue. As a businesswoman, I wouldn’t rush into any decision. We need to review and study everything pertaining to the CCPA: that includes, managing, scheduling, booking, maintaining, every aspect of operation. We must explore all possible options, weigh the pros and cons. If that means an independent or corporate partnership, so be it. A facility like that should not have a negative impact in our economy. It was originally used to attract businesses in the Town Center and now it is time we strive to make it profitable.

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