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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Council candidates debate Cerritos future course at AAUW Candidate Forum

By Jerry Bernstein

Kiran Rami said she has found when walking the precincts and meeting Cerritos residents that they have the same concerns that she has. They include home invasion, better schools, and neighborhood upkeep such as sidewalk repair and tree trimming, she also questioned why the Performing Arts Center continues to lose money every year. She said if elected she would make city officials more visible and responsive to residents. She would also support the Neighborhood Watch program. Concerning the city’s relationship with ABC, she said we should continue to work closely with them, She said she favors the 245 low and middle income apartment for seniors because it will also benefit the District and I support anything that will help our children’s education.
Mark Pulido , a nine year member of the ABC Board of Education, He said he has a proven track record of balancing budgets and asking tough questions and keeping our schools among the best in the nation. He said Cerritos is a wonderful city with show pieces such as the Performing Arts Center, the Towne Center, Cerritos Auto Mall, Cerritos Center and our parks. ‘However,” he said, “we mustn’t forget our neighborhoods,” He said with the ongoing budget crisis, its time to get back to the basics such as fixing our streets, sidewalks and city trees in front of our homes. He said, “We must take care of our neighborhoods.” He said we must also work closely with our small businesses that are the key to job creation and insuring the vitality of our city, turning to the city’s relationship with ABC he said as a member of the school board he would work to continue the partnership. Regarding Cuesta Villas he believes it is a project that demonstrates a partnership that will benefit both ABC and Cerritos.
Chris Fuentes described the upcoming election as a call for a more open and accessible government. He said the City Charter needs to be reviewed, noting it has only been modified once which limited council members to two consecutive terms. He described serving on the city council as a public service and should not be for self-service with compensation. Fuentes called for lower salaries and benefits employees receive upon retirement.
He also believes the Performing Arts Center should be run by a public-private partnership and to end its annual deficit. On the question of the ABC-City low to medium apartment complex for seniors he described it as a boondoggle and accused ABC and the city of collusion. He said the people should have had a say in its approval.
Grace Hu said she was running for city council because she feels her previous eight years on the council and her business experience can help the city during the current economic crisis. If elected she said she would be accessible to the residents at all times and promote economic development and a balanced budget. Hu would also strengthen public safety by supporting the sheriff, fire department and early response. She said she would also work to maintain the partnership with ABC and the city for better after school activities and student education. On the question of the apartments to be built where the district administrative offices now stand, she said 245 units were to big.
Harshad Mody said when everything looks good; it doesn’t mean everything is good. He said the city needs a new outlook so it can grow better and better. He said the Performing Arts Center needs new direction to eliminate its annual deficits. If elected he would make sure that each and every dollar was accounted for. “I will be your watchdog in city hall.” He also questioned the agreement between the city and school district on the apartments and asked how long it will take for the city to get a return on the project.
Bruce Barrows said if re-elected he would continue to work to maintain the health of Cerritos and maintain the quality of life we have come to expect from our city. He said he would work to protect Cerritos economy from additional monetary raids from the state and maintain financial stability. We need strong leadership and training to be effective. Responding to statements made by Council Candidate Chris Fuentes he said the official salary for council members is $14,000 and some change, not $25,000. He said the city manager earns about $240,000 and measured against other similar positions in California, his salary is way below the average. On the question of the city’s working relationship with ABC he said the city has a long and positive history with the district. Cuesta Villas was adjudicated in the courts and everything the city has done was ruled legal. He said the courts also ruled a vote of the people wasn’t necessary, although he favored one. “It’s a good project, one that will benefit the school district and Cerritos.
Mayor Joseph Cho said in 2009 he had proposed to the city council a commission or committee be appointed to look into the replacement the two Redevelopment Agency programs which are scheduled to be phased out in 2013 and 2018. He said if this had been done, Cerritos would be in a better position to meet the governor’s proposal to end all Redevelopment Agencies by July. He also said approximately 30 percent of the city’s population are seniors and Cerritos need a new approach to meet the needs and changing demographics of the city. “We need to recognize the changes in our city and move forward.” He favors a continuance of the close working relationship with ABC and also supports Cuesta Villas. He said this would be the fourth Cerritos housing project build with Redevelopment Funds. “The difference is with this project the city will give the profits to the school district to help with our children’s education.

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