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Friday, February 11, 2011

Election Nominees

Candidate Bruce Barrows

Election campaigns are always interesting in that we get to learn how others perceive our City, and share ideas on how to improve it.
Challengers to incumbents need to persuade voters on why change is important and how their experience (or lack thereof) will better serve the city. Incumbents, like me, need to point to their experience and ability to run/oversee the city successfully. Additionally, it’s important to look at prior campaign promises and determine whether or not promises were kept. For instance, 4 years ago my goals were:
Lower crime rate and improve security – promise kept. This is an area I will continue to focus on. (visit safercerritos.com to see charts)
I promised to safeguard and improve our city’s financial resources and maintain a balanced budget. Promise kept. We all know how radically the economy has changed during this four year period. Although some candidates want you to think the worse, it’s difficult to ignore the facts. The facts are, I immediately pushed to get new development and new sales tax dollars into Cerritos. Part of this was the effort involving our Redevelopment Agency to initiate the new construction at our Cerritos Mall, resulted in the addition of the new Forever 21, Nordstrom and Apple, and others.
Falling tax revenues, especially from the Automotive car sales resulted in a drop in revenues to the City. Contrary to some wild accusations by the challengers that expenses are up, the facts show that our budget has been reduced by over 11% totaling almost $18 Million in the last 4 years. Net result, we have balanced budgets every year.
The exaggerated claims of the council and of our senior staff salaries are easy to verify. The state requires each city to post our earnings on the City’s web site. For transparency, we chose to post Box 5 of the W-2 s. The council’s pay is about $14,429.90. To verify visit www.ci.cerritos.us . Additionally, council did vote to reduce it’s pay by 10% during this past term.
The Council voted to reduce its travel budget by 45%. Travel to influence bills and other legislation has not happened this year as there hasn’t been a bill that we thought would benefit from our personal appearance. Travel out of the country? Our council, to my knowledge, has never traveled out of country using city funds.
In conclusion, be aware of campaign promises. Our city is well managed, by employees who care deeply about the job they do. Our Council and our staff have instituted no reductions in programs, whether it’s the parks, library and other services to our residents. We need to be vigilant in within our financial means and that demands we work to control and reverse the bad decisions in Sacramento that led to the huge deficit they created.
I promise to continue to work continuously to improve our city and maintain our financial stability.
Please vote for Bruce Barrows, 3rd on your ballot, www.reelectbrucebarrows.com

Candidate Joseph Cho

The vast majority of candidates running for city council would agree that water and paved roads are the most important services that the city provides its residents. I too agree with that, but I would also add to Parks and Recreation as a service that is equally important.
The health and well being of Cerritos residents is very important to me. Physical activities is an important part of a healthy and balanced life, which is why in 2007, not long after I got elected, I pushed to have walking trails installed in more neighborhood parks throughout the city. In visiting and surveying the neighborhood parks throughout the city, I noticed that the parks that have walking trails were utilized much more than parks that didn't. I wanted residents who live around parks that did not have walking trails to have the same opportunities to exercise as residents living near parks with walking trails.
Last year, a resident approached me to complain that one of two elliptical machines at the gym at Cerritos Park East was removed and never replaced. When I inquired at city hall about this issue, I was told that the machine broke down and there were no plans to replace it. I then started asking some tough questions, and soon enough a new elliptical machine was installed at the CPE gym.
Last year I voted to create more bike trails throughout the city. Bike trails have a dual benefit: First and foremost, they encourage more physical activity. In addition to that, they also encourage a reduction of greenhouse emissions by leaving the car behind for short trips within the city.
I embrace my commitment to health and well being in my personal life. A few years ago I joined the Cerritos Easy Runners Club, and I jog almost every day. In 2009 I completed a half marathon for the first time in my life, and last year I completed two full marathons: the Los Angeles Marathon and the Long Beach Marathon.
In my 4 years on the council I have always placed Cerritos residents at the top of my priority list. Now, as I run for reelection, I need your help. On March 8, please vote to reelect Mayor Joseph Cho.

Joseph Cho

Candidate Chris Fuentes

I have over many years advocated for; Senior Services/Dial-A-Ride, Better City Maintenance in EVERY corner of Cerritos, ‘West Side’ Parity (we make the lion’s share of our city income and should have better maintenance afforded City Hall/Civic Center), Increased Tree Pruning and a REASONABLE tree program, Transparency/Accountability at City Hall, Treating residents who have issues with the city with the RESPECT they are entitled to, Enhanced Adaptive Special-Needs Recreation Programs, Allowing League Participation for Youth Sports Programs, FREE City Sports Lighting, Updated Environmental Policies including dealing with Noise Pollution Issues on Heavy Traffic Arterial Streets like Shoemaker Ave. (Residents proved that the city had used the SAME Environmental Impact Report for every Towne Center project for 25 Years!), Fixing Arterial Walls without foisting costs on Residents, Online Parking Passes, Updating the City Charter (the only change in our history was the Term Limits Amendment that I was an Original Proponent of), Cutting Waste and Reining In Administrative Costs, Returning Our City Council to an UNPAID board of Public Service not a PAID ($3,500 per month EACH) political platform of Self Service. I Oppose; Career Politicians’ Cronyism, Political Posturing and flagrant use of City Meetings and Events as a platform for their Political/ Special Interest Agendas, I Oppose the ‘Mag Lev’ High Speed Rail fantasy of ONE Councilmember, this boondoggle is NOT Supported by State Rail Authorities, MTA or OCTD a pipedream/budget drain on local cities for years, I Oppose Selling off excess Magnolia Power then charging our youth sports teams for lighting, I Oppose Runaway Overcompensation of Executive City Management (Our City Manager makes over $500,000 a year in Wages, Benefits and Retirement), Bloated City Management (We Don’t need TWO Assistant City Managers), Interfering in Foreign Governmental Politics, Conflict of Interest on the City Council, No-Bid City Contracts, I Oppose Redevelopment Scams, Multi Million Dollar Annual Losses at the Performing Arts Center are UNACCEPTABLE!
I care about our city, for 43 years I have lived in and loved Cerritos. I pledge to be a voice for residents who is “Always At Your Service”.

Candidate Grace Hu

My name is Grace Hu. I have been a resident of Cerritos for 35 years. In 1992, I was first elected to the city council and served for eight years and 11 months. In 1995 and 2000, I served as the mayor. When I was on the city council, I vigorously opposed new taxes and tax increases. Today, the city has no property tax, no utility users fees, no library access fees and a lot of services are still free to our residents.
During the years that I served on the council, I voted for the following projects to enhance the city: Sheriff’s Station, Towne Center, Senior Center, three Senior Housing developments, 91 Freeway Overpass at Shoemaker, expansion of the Cerritos Library, gymnasiums and sports facilities for Cerritos, Gahr and Whitney High Schools, and renovations of our major Parks, including CPE, Heritage & Liberty.
After I finished the council terms in 2001, I worked hard on my business, gained more financial experiences and achieved success. However, lately the country's overall economic crisis has inevitably involved our city. The city's revenue has dramatically declined and the expenses continue. The City of Cerritos is now facing financial challenges.
I decided to run again this year because I believe with my business expertise and my governmental experiences, I can help the city to meet these new challenges. I intend to be a leading force to increase city revenue, attract new businesses and prudently monitor our expenditures.
I am honored to have the endorsements of our eight former mayors: the honorable Alex Beanum, Paul Bowlen, John Crawley, Ann Joynt, Don Knabe, Diana Needham, Barry Rabbitt and Bob Witt. All of them served our city diligently during their terms and beyond. Without their efforts, we would not have our city as it is today. I promise that I will follow their steps and continuously provide our residents a beautiful city to live in, our students a safe environment to receive their education, our seniors a comfortable community to enjoy their lives and our business partners a friendly space to develop.
On March 8, 2011, please vote for me. I will not disappoint you.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you again.
Grace Hu

Candidate Harshod Mody

I am Harshad Mody migrated from India in 1974. I moved with my wife Bharati and two boys in 1991. Our principal motive to move in Cerritos was A BEST SCHOOL system. We have wonder full life here in Cerritos.
I am turning 65 Years in age and looking forward to spent Retired life. I have gain so much from our Community so I thought I should pay back to Community by becoming "PUBLIC SERVANT". So I am standing for City Council Member.
I am proud of our City and lots of well being of our Community. Yes, We are at verge of financial crisis and Whole world is. I am looking forward to serve City with my enterprisingly ability and stop wastage of finance with different outlook. I want to see City is self standing financially by avoiding bleeding our system.
You all know very well that our CPAC is not doing financially very well and We keep pouring money at rate of $8,000.00+ per day which totaled to $ 3 millions per year. In last four years or since We built CPAC no one has done nothing but let money go. I want to see and act upon to stop bleeding that money. I do believe that Center can not make PROFIT but We have to see We make CPAC is Self sufficient. As a elected member of City Council my priority is to REVISIT each and every dollar spent wisely in respected manner. We want to keep our City GREEN foe ever so I will not hesitate to accept modern technology.
There are other departments are there where We need major changes. We need changes in our outlook, Management and their attitude towards spending Public Money. I will do my BEST to not to violate trust you have invested in me.
As your Council member I will have HONESTY on my lips, Integrity in Heart and Dedication in my performance.
Respectfully, I ask your vote HARSHAD MODY - #5 on ballot paper on March 08, 2011.

Harshad Mody
Candidate Mark Pulido

Throughout my campaign, I have talked about what makes Cerritos a great city – it is our neighborhoods, our schools and our parks.
Unfortunately, this fact sometimes gets forgotten at City Hall. It is commendable that Cerritos is considered the most business-friendly city, and the public showpieces throughout the city are impressive.
But when times are tough, and we must make the most out of limited resources, we must get back to basics and focus on the priorities that are most important – the safety and quality of life of the residents who live here.
Growing up in Cerritos, I remember vividly the pleasure of going to nearby Cerritos Park East or playing Cerritos-Artesia Little League at our local parks.
Now, as my wife, Gloria, and I are raising our family, we want the same experience for our kids – to enjoy a safe and well-maintained park. As I talk to residents throughout the city, I hear that they want good parks to take their children or grandchildren to play.
Unfortunately, some of our parks are starting to show their age, while the City has reduced its Parks Division budget by $276,290 or 5.18% this year (Source: Cerritos Budget 2010-2011).
The island at Heritage Park was upgraded, but the playground equipment where parents and grandparents take smaller kids to play needs improvement. The playground equipment at Cerritos Park East is also showing signs of age.
I will make it a priority to keep our parks well-maintained and at the high level of quality that Cerritos residents expect.
As an ABC School Board member, I supported the allocation of $1 million to upgrade the playground equipment at all 19 elementary schools in the district. The City of Cerritos must show the same commitment.
We should make improvements that ensure our playgrounds are universally-accessible, so that our children of all ability levels can enjoy the parks. This includes replacing the sand around some of the playground equipment with the soft rubber-foam ground cover, like at Liberty Park.
As your councilmember, I will work to make sure we maximize our limited resources to put our neighborhoods and parks first.
I want to be your voice in City Hall, providing accessible and accountable leadership.
For more information, please visit my website www.markpulido.com or email me at markpulido@yahoo.com.
My name is Mark Pulido and I would be honored to have your vote for City Council on March 8th.

Candidate Kiran Rami

Dear Cerritos residents:
The Cerritos City Council election is just around the corner on March 8, 2011. I appeal you to vote for me on this day. I am first on the ballot.
As I am walking the precincts and talking to residents, I am getting a very positive response from people. They are sharing their concerns and issues regarding the city. I am glad that I am visiting the residents on a daily basis from 9am to 7pm. I still have to visit thousands of households and I am trying my best to visit each one of them. If I miss visiting you for any unavoidable reasons, please use this letter as a reminder to keep me in your mind for voting.
My mission for our city is to prioritize safety of our residents, business owners and children around schools. As I said residents are concerned about recent increase in break-ins in our city. Business owners are also complaining about burglary in their stores. Parents are afraid about their young children's safety when they are crossing streets around schools.
Our city has great programs for our special needs children, however the parents are concerned about their adult children. While most teens go on to learn to drive, socialize, find jobs, attend college, marry, and have children of their own...many of our children with special needs are not going to make these benchmarks. Therefore we need to provide some programs, social events, exercise classes so they can be independent in taking care of themselves.
The most important of all is to overcome from this economic crises. We need to learn to live within our means and spend wisely. As a single mother of three, I would use common sense in spending the money for the vital needs of the city. Since this economic problem is going to stay for at least five to seven years, we need to cut our spending on unnecessary things. This will enable our city to be financially strong in rainy days. We also need to work on how to keep our money and use it for our city before the state takes it away.
I need your support and vote in getting elected. When I am elected, I will be a fresh face in the city administration. I pledge an effective representation that will bring measurable results.
Please visit http://www.wix.com/lanlancb/electkiranrami or call 562 213 2739. I will work hard to maintain the quality of life we enjoy as residents of this beautiful city. I look forward to serving the city of Cerritos as a councilwoman. Vote for me on March 8, 2011--first on the ballot.
Kiran Rami
Candidate for Cerritos City Council
# 1 on the ballot

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